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Good Form Running (GFR) simplifies the essentials for running efficiently and safely. Focusing on posture, landing, cadence, and leaning can make a world of difference in one's running experience. It's incredible how these seemingly small adjustments can significantly impact speed, endurance, and injury prevention. The best part is, with practice and attention to detail, anyone can incorporate these principles into their running routine. It's all about fine-tuning and optimizing your body's natural movement.
As part of Good Form Running (GFR) we review posture, mid-foot landing, cadence and a lean when analyzing stride during a personal video analysis. The four keys to Good Form Running are taught during our clinic which will help you run faster, easier and reduce the chance of injury.
It's not rocket science, anybody can do it!
We offer free Good Form Running (GFR) Level 1 classes monthly on Thursdays from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at Running Lab in downtown Brighton. Learn new things about your running and discover how to improve your form! Come ready to be involved, active and open to new ideas!
To find the next class, download our app or check out our Facebook page.